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Available Protection Policies
Life Cover
This is a sum assured protection policy to cover your life in the event of death.
Level Term
This is life cover taken out over a specific term whereby the sum assured is paid out by the Assurance Company in the event of the death of the life assured during the term of the plan.
Convertible Term
This is an extension to Level Term Assurance whereby life cover is taken out over a specific term, however before the term has expired the option is available for the life assured to convert the plan to Whole of Life (explained below) without having to present any further medical evidence to the Assurance Company. The premium at the time is then based on the age of the Life Assured and not their medical condition.
Self Employed Term Assurance
This is very similar to our Level and Convertible Term policies, however you get the added bonus in that it is eligible for tax relief, subject to certain criteria being met.
Whole Of Life Term
This is the most expensive form of life cover which maintains cover until actual death of the life assured when the amount assured is paid out.
Permanent Health Insurance/Income Protection
This is a protection product which everybody should have. It’s a priority! This works on a basis where your work income is protected and you're still eligible to receive benefits if you are incapacitated and hence unable to work due to illness or accident. With this protection you can cover up to 75% of your salary should you be in an accident.
Serious Illness
With Serious Illnesses becoming more and more prevalent and effecting people at a much younger age, this form of cover is taken out to provide a lump sum to the life assured in the event of medical diagnosis of a specified major illness such as cancer, stroke, heart attack, multiple sclerosis etc, having survived a period of normally 14 days.
What you need to ask yourself is, if you were unable to carry out your normal occupation for a prolonged period due to an illness or injury, could you continue to meet your commitments? .ie. Mortgage Repayments, Car Loan, Personal Loans, Medical Bills, Food, Fuel & Household bills etc. This product is a simple, inexpensive and must have policy!
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